Adapted milk preparation and bottle feeding

As we have mentioned many times, breastfeeding is the best option for your baby. Through breast milk it gets all the nutrients it needs for proper growth and development. But what if you don’t want to or can’t breastfeed? In this case, the alternative is an adapted milk preparation, ie a milk formula. Depending on the age of your baby, you will choose the formula that suits – First for newborn babies and then 1,2,3 or HA, ie hypoallergenic milk preparation for all sensitive babies. There are a large number of different formulas for children on the market today and each of them has undergone many years of research and testing to offer each child a substitute milk through which they will get all the necessary ingredients for proper growth and development.

You can consult your pediatrician or community nurse when choosing food. For starters, you will choose foods labeled PRE or 1 that are ideal for feeding from birth and during the first year of life. At the beginning, the food is a bit fuller and contains more energy, ie calories due to the higher content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. When the child is 6 months old, you can switch to number 2 (the instructions for each food tell you how old the food is and stick to it). Number 2 you will introduce when and supplementation as a mandatory milk supplement that the child must take at least until the first birthday. After about 10 months, you can make the transition to food number 3. To know if your baby is ready to switch, follow these little signals:

  • If you drink more than 240 ml per meal
  • If after a meal he still asks for more
  • If the baby is still hungry soon after feeding
  • If he wakes up often at night and asks for a bottle

If all or all of these conditions are met, your child is ready to switch to a milk product more appropriate for his age. In addition, you must pay attention to digestion. The digestion of a breastfed baby and one who is on a milk formula is not the same. If you switch from breastfeeding to a bottle, stool color, consistency, and frequency may change. There’s nothing to worry about, but watch out to avoid jail time. If the stool becomes very hard or the child gets diarrhea, especially if you find traces of blood or mucus in the stool – be sure to contact your pediatrician.

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