All stages of childbirth

Prvo upoznavanje s bebom

Childbirth happens through several phases, starting with the initial phase, the phase of contractions, ie labor, and ends of course with the birth and the first acquaintance of your child. Every woman is different and every birth is different. Women who have given birth to more than one child can also testify that each experience was completely different for them.

Phase before the first – the phase of contractions – labor

If you are a first-born, your birth will take an average of 12 to 15 hours, but of course it can take longer and shorter. The duration of labor is calculated from the beginning of the first contractions. Subsequent births usually last shorter than the first, averaging eight hours.

The first phase

This is usually the longest phase in which the cervix is ​​slowly and gradually sutured to allow the baby to descend into the fallopian tube. To make sure everything is in order, the maternity ward will monitor your baby’s heartbeat. If the contractions have started and your Aquarius has still not ruptured, the doctor who will give birth to you or the midwife will pierce it. At one point you will feel a lot of pressure on the bed and that is the moment when the baby has descended into the sales channel and when you will have a strong need to press.

Second phase

Try to make yourself as comfortable as possible to make the printing process easier. Here, doctors and midwives will help you to make the birth as easy as possible for you and your baby. You can kneel, squat, lean on your arms at your feet or lie on your back. At that moment when you feel a strong urge to press, it is very important to listen to your doctor or midwife – take a deep breath and press when you are told to do so and when you feel strong contractions. Rest as much as possible between printing and contractions to preserve and regain lost strength. When a baby’s head appears, the rest of the body will come out relatively very quickly. When the baby comes out, the doctor or your companion cuts the umbilical cord and the baby will be placed on your skin to warm up and feel close to the mother. After that the midwife will take the baby to check if everything is in the office and to measure and weigh it.

The third phase

Even though you think it’s all over, you still need to give birth to the placenta. This is the time when the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus and exits the vagina. This can be very fast, but can take up to an hour. You will feel contractions, but not as strong as at the birth itself. The doctor will check that the placenta is OK and that the whole thing has come out. In almost all maternity hospitals, this is followed by the first attempt to feed and introduce the mother (parents) to the baby. The last stage is the mother’s rest to regain lost strength and to start the most important phase – meeting a new, small person in your life!

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