Many women, future mothers, who have not yet given birth, most often wonder how they will know when labor or contractions start. Will he know how to recognize it and will he get to the hospital on time. Every woman is different, everyone feels pain differently and everyone will describe the contractions in a different way, but almost everyone will say that when the contractions started they were sure that was it.
Preparatory contractions
You are comfortably seated, but you feel your stomach getting harder and pulling towards your groin. After a few minutes, everything stops. Don’t be scared, this is normal during pregnancy as the body prepares for childbirth. Try to calm down and relax – these contractions are part of the normal course of pregnancy. But if you are scared or think something is wrong after all, consult your doctor.
Early contractions
Early contractions occur before week 36 and are similar to menstrual pain. Most of the time they are an indication that you have exaggerated a bit, that you have overdosed and your body lets you know to slow down. These contractions are real and they shorten the cervix and push the baby deeper into the pelvis and the cervix opens. If you feel anything like this, be sure to consult your doctor.
Lower contractions
From the 36th week onwards, the contractions become lower and lower. The baby’s head goes lower and deeper towards the pelvis and prepares for the day of birth. They feel similar to early contractions only they are followed by pulling towards the lower abdomen. The abdomen lowers and breathing becomes easier because the baby no longer puts strong pressure on the abdomen.
Opening contractions
These are the contractions you’ve been waiting for – when you start to open up. Your uterus contracts rhythmically and slowly pushes the baby towards the cervix. At the beginning, these contractions occur every 10 minutes, and occasionally they stop. Gradually, the intervals between contractions become shorter and longer. It usually takes a few hours for the uterus to open completely. If you feel contractions intensifying and starting to come at regular intervals, it’s time to head to the hospital. Your body will learn to deal with that amount of pain and will secrete endorphins that relieve pain.
Ejection contractions
Now your body is ready for childbirth. Contractions actively push the baby through the pelvis. The cervix is maximally open and it is time to print. Follow all the instructions of the doctor or midwife to make the birth as quick and painless as possible. The moment before the baby comes out, you will feel strong pressure on the lower part of the body and a feeling of stretching. Listen to your body and stay calm.
Pressure contractions
Now we come to those contractions that will push your baby or babies out. The cervix is open to the maximum and you feel a strong urge to press. These contractions are of very strong intensity and you will feel very strong pressure on your lower body. But many pregnant women feel relieved during this period because they are aware that the whole process is coming to an end and you will soon be holding your baby in your arms.
Postnatal contractions
Even though you gave birth and think the contractions are over, they will surprise you and reappear for a while longer. The uterus contracts and this causes contractions that you may feel for a few days after giving birth. If this is your first birth, you may or may not feel these contractions, but women who have given birth two or more times are more likely to feel this form of contraction more strongly.
As for the whole pregnancy, the golden rule is, if you feel weird or think something is wrong, be sure to consult your doctor.
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